The United States has a major e-waste problem and e-End is trying to help put an end to it. To put it into perspective, e-waste contributes to about 2-3 percent of America’s solid waste stream, though, the lead, cadmium, chromium and the circuitry which has other materials account for 70% of the hazardous material in landfills due to a recent EPA report. It’s a major health hazard. Futhermore, over $20 billion of gold is trashed into electronics every year – crazy, right?
Next time you are giving your electronic waste to a recycling company, you want to make sure they’re R2 certified. Fortunately, e-End is R2 certified and has well exceed those standards. As an Electronic Manufacturing Recycling Management Company (MRM), we can guarantee 100% recycling of your unused electronics via our R2 certification standards— which means no land filling and no illegal exporting. We offer electronics recycling in Maryland, Rockville, Reston, VA, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvania.
R2 Electronics Recycling - Commercial
Pricing for commercial clients will vary depending on type and weight of equipment. Please see below for a completed list of what we accept and chat, email, or call us now to get prices – we respond very quickly.
Computer Equipment
Communications Equipment
Cellular Phones & Accessories
Communication Systems
RF Equipment
Tower Bases
Audio Devices
Answering Machines
Microwave Waveguides
Satellite Dishes
Special Equipment & Devices*
Personal Electronics
*We will not accept any appliances, car batteries, any units with sludge or liquids, mercury containing items, any non-decontaminated medical equipment or anything that would pose a health hazard, units with compressors, such as air conditioners, dehumidifiers, microwaves, and other items e-End deems unacceptable for electronic recycling.
We also offer IT Asset Dispostion (ITAD) witness destruction which allows you to watch us properly recycle your electronics. Please see our ITAD page here to see how our process works.
R2 Electronics Recycling - Residential
NOTE: For your safety and the safety of our staff, we will only be accepting drop-offs for electronics recycling on Fridays from 9 AM to 4 PM.
Residential clients also get R2 certified recycling. We recycle a broad range of electronics and we recycle most items at no charge, however, to provide proper processing for items such as CRTs, flat panel monitors, flat panel TV’s and projection TV’s, we must use a processor that is certified to recycle these units, which charges a fee to process these units. Because of this we do charge a fee.*
Some of the units we charge for are:
*This is to ensure that we can properly recycle this environmental blight, and you can rest easy knowing that your waste hasn’t ended up where it doesn’t belong.
Please chat with us if you have questions about the pricing of PC’s, printers, cameras etc.)
Why e-End?
When it comes to end-of-life equipment, e-End strictly adheres to internationally recognized Responsible Recycling (R2) standards to reduce electronics waste and preserve natural resources. We also strive to exceed the EPA’s standards for solid waste recycling and adhere to a zero-landfill policy for e-waste.
If it plugs into a wall, uses batteries, or looks like it could have done either at one time, we can most likely recycle it!
e-End gives everyone the opportunity to empty their storage rooms of unused electronics and have them 100% recycled. Our annual capacity is in excess of 1 million lbs of recycled material.
e-End is fully aware and constantly monitoring the global impact of e-Waste in order to take better care of our clients’ electronics.
e-Waste is increasingly becoming more of a hazzard - 45 million tons of electronics were thrown away in 2016 and 20% of that was recycled.
Click here to see how R2 Certified recyclers protect your organization
Hazards that e-End prevents
PC Chassis & Plastic Shell
Hexavalent chromium is applied to steel plates for corrosion protection. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are used as flame retardant in computer plastics. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) components, when burned, give off highly toxic dioxin fumes.
Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) contain approximately 4-7 pounds of lead in the radiation shielding of the glass and in lead solder on wires and connections. Barium can also be found in the glass shielding. Phosphorus is in the inside coating of the faceplate. Hexavalent chromium is applied to galvanized steel parts to prevent corrosion.
Circuit boards
Lead solder is used to connect semiconductors and other components and wires to motherboards and integrated chip sets.Cadmium can be found in semiconductors and resistors. Beryllium is often found on boards and connectors. Printed circuit boards contain mercury.
Plastic covers of wires both inside and outside of a PC contain PBDE and PVC which, when burned, release toxic fumes.