Catoctin High School
The guidance counselors at Catoctin High School accepted 5 HP laptops which were donated to the school by e-End in Frederick, Maryland. The laptops will be given to students who may not have the financial resources to rent those provided by the school or are graduating. The IT staff at e-End prepared the laptops by loading Microsoft software and other programs for the students. Photo: left to right-Eugene Garboski (IT department), Nicole Orr (accepting on behalf of Catoctin High), Jason Wilson (IT department), Rene Leak (IT department)
New Midway Laptop Donation
Volunteer fire departments do not always receive government funds to support their equipment needs. e-End has provided laptops, desktops computers and closed circuit cameras to the New Midway Volunteer fire department in support of their mission .
Veteran Laptop Donation
Supporting S.T.E.A.M Powered FTC - 4-H Robotics (2017-Present)